Thank you so much for visiting me! My name is Nichole and I have a deep passion for writing and helping others survive this sometimes overwhelming life. Between work, a demanding boss, a demanding partner, kids, ex’s, extra-curricular activities, dinner, budgeting, grocery shopping – it’s all so over-whelming.
If you sometimes feel anxious or depressed this is the blog for you! I’m going to focus on self-care, balance, being positive in stressful seasons of our life, and OVERCOMING the anxiety and depression that plague many of us.
During the time that I was going through a lot of really heavy trials, I got my fair share of bad advice. I did get some great advice and that’s what I’m going to share with you.
Learning what my triggers were and how to overcome them was definitely a challenge. I spent a lot of time condemning myself for harsh words or yelling at my kids. I condemned myself for not being able to handle the stress of daily life. Also for being a doormat at certain times and a ticking time bomb in other moments.
I was missing balance. I was missing my self esteem. And I was missing myself.
So I will have a couple categories- one to build you up and one to promise you that whatever you’re going through as a parent is OK!
So please send me an email and I’ll send out a blast each time I have a new blog ready! Have a great week and I’ll see you back here soon!!